Find a private place, close the office door or take a bathroom break. Let yourself feel the experience of screaming at the top of your lungs, with facial and body expression, the sensation of releasing all the pent up tension and frustration you may be holding...SILENTLY.
Yes, you can feel the powerful release of screaming without making a noise! Keep going until you feel satisfied, you’ll likely be surprised at how quickly you feel some relief. Pay attention to the physical sensations as you “let it all go”.
We all hold tension in our bodies and generally do a great job “maintaining our cool” throughout the day. Those daily tensions can build up though, and if not given some avenues for release can cause chronic stress and tension leading to physical and emotional health issues.
Here is a safe and easy way to release stored up tension without raising any eyebrows or alienating co-workers.
After a good release you may find your head is clearer to deal with the issue in front of you, without the extra layer of physiological tension.